The South Carolina Institute for Independent Journalism seeks and accepts individual, corporate and foundation funding to support and promote high-quality independent journalism by South Carolina weekly newspapers. The institute’s board of directors considers proposals in a timely manner and awards funding as it is available.
Contribute online
Online donations may be made through a secure Stripe transaction. Become a:
Send a check
Alternatively, you may send a check via U.S. mail to:
- P.O. Box 21942, Charleston SC 29413 (New address as of 12/1/22)
The South Carolina Institute for Independent Journalism is organized as a non-profit, non-partisan organization that has been approved for non-profit status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent provided by federal law. The institute’s federal ID number is: 87-1559543. View our IRS determination letter.
Advertising images
Here are three alternatives for SCIIJ advertising that can be used to promote the SCIIJ. All have transparent backgrounds to allow designers to size to different sizes, but if you need InDesign versions, please let us know.
1/12 page horizontal ad
1/8 page vertical ad
1/4 page ad
Questions: info@scindependentjournalism.org